Virtual & In Person Therapy Services

How to find a good Therapist

Many people who are in need of emotional support from a professional are not sure where to start  so, here are my thoughts on how to find a good therapist for you. There are many types of therapy available and you need to find one that suits your particular personality and needs. The main ones […]

Spotting the Signs of Emotional Abuse

Spotting the signs of emotional abuse can be difficult if you are living with it every day. You can be unwittingly drawn in to making yourself responsible for the abuser’s behaviour. You don’t want to be upsetting them or hold them accountable so you do what you can to keep them ‘happy’. This may mean […]

Have We Got Depression All Wrong?

In order to overcome depression and anxiety, you have to believe there is hope for you to do so. As the saying goes, ‘whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t… are right! By seeking the correct help you can absolutely set yourself up for success.